Saturday, March 13, 2010

Night Shooting

Haven't been playing with my camera recently as I am kinda hooked up with studies and other commitments, nevertheless, whaddayaknow? A new post! 

I recently bought a tripod, have been using a lot ever since. Mostly for night shoots and product shoots. Well here are the "fruits of my labour" of my night shoots which i have done recently.

44mm 10s f/8 ISO 100

The "infamous" Putrajaya bridge. Next up... Light Trails!

18mm 20s f/8 ISO 100

At the Putrajaya-Kajang highway

24mm 20s f/10 ISO 100

The KLIA-Subang highway

30mm 20s f/10 ISO 100

48mm 20s f/13 ISO 100

Lovely light trails eh. A shame there wasn't enough tail lights.

22mm 15s f/10 ISO 100

@ Summit mall main road

26mm 20s f/10 ISO 100

Lastly, a pretty balanced shot, cars are equal in both lanes. Comments are most welcomed as I am still on a learning curve. Till than tata