Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tanjong Bidara Post Wedding Shoot

Hey howdy hey! Currently I am in Manjong doing my surgery posting. It's my final week here, managed to find the time to blog about a shoot I did awhile back for a lovely couple who just tied the knot a few months back.

The location of the shoot was none other than the picturesque Tanjong Bidara 

As both were already married, had the chance to try other new things that erm "Un-married couples" couldn't.

Both the husband and the wife were really co-operative during the duration of the shoot, that made it even more easy for my creative process to flow.

Managed to get everything I wanted and we even managed to try a "wet" shoot but those pics are little not "family friendly". HEHE

Did I mention, Crumpler bags are apparently not that water proof. Brought my gear with me into the sea, and I had to dry clean it after that as salt is a rust-bringer.

A great shoot  all in all, with that say, I am hoping to shoot more to improve myself as photography is a learning process. That's all for this time :D

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I Got 1st Runner Up in The Cyberjaya Digital Photography Competition 2011

Guess what? Finally my photography has taken me somewhere :D I submitted my entry back in July after many many cold and mosquito bitten nights in Cyberpark trying to capture the perfect star trail.

Received an E-mail from Cyberview last Tuesday telling me that there was going to be a prize giving ceremony on Thursday, I merely thought i would have won the consolation prize.

Arrived there 30 minutes earlier with Phei Yee and Alif, so we just loitered there we loads of school children as it turns out that the prize giving ceremony was also for a multimedia animation competition organized by Cyberview for primary and secondary school children.

My heart was having palpitations and I was on the verge of an anxiety attack when they started to announce the winners of the competition, and it turned out I managed to bagged second place. I was looking around the audience before that and i noticed most of the contestants were working adults and I thought to myself no way in heaven would I manage to grab a top prize. But well looks like God works in many mysterious ways :D

Shot of the first,second prize and third prize winner from right to left together with the CEO and General Manager of Cyberview Sdn Bhd, the landowner of Cyberjaya.

The girl who always worried about my safety when i told her i was going out at 2 in the morning for the shoot.

One of my pals who accompanied me to shoot in the crazy hours of the morning together with Azim (Not in picture).

Me bounty!! What am i gonna do with the money you may ask, well I paid Alif and Azim their share, took the girl out for dinner and some shopping, took her parents out for Korean BBQ, bought a phone for my dad, took my parents out for a Dim Sum buffet and i'm planning to donate a portion of it to World Vision and use the remaining to invest in something worthwhile, which I have not thought about yet.

The winning shot. Last but not least, thank you to those who believed in me and helped me so much along the way. I dedicate this to you. You guys are the greatest! You know who you are :D

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Umar And Safiah Tanjung Bidara Shoto

Was in Terendak 2 weeks ago for my posting in Internal Medicine. It was a really beautiful place as it was untouched by urbanization. The beach area was filled with little "kampung" houses which gave it a quaint, scenic environment.

Decided to do a little shoot for this married couple as they were looking for some pictures to fit in a photo book.

 The bride.

 The groom.

And lastly a cheesy picture. Well till than got to get back to digesting my books.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Soon and Wan Teng Shoot @ FRIM

 Hey there, I am not dead or have I ran away with David Archuletta.Currently in 3rd year of my course. Ultraly busy as I have class on Saturdays now and I only leave the hospital at 7pm usually. But nevertheless I still managed to find the time to shoot.

This shoot was done about 2 weeks back. Here's the scenario, girlfriend studies in the U.K and boyfriend is here, wants to get some photos to make a photobook.

Headed to FRIM on a Sunday morning, was lucky to have adequate sunshine as I did not have an assistant to hold the reflector or flash gun for me, so natural lighting managed to do the job.

 Couple was very obliging and we managed to cover almost everything in a short amount of time.

The greenery there also provided a nice soothing background for the shoot.

My only complain was the vast amount of mosquitoes that were encircling us.

Overall a very productive shoot. I did a few shoots since than. Will update more in the future :D