Saturday, September 17, 2011

Soon and Wan Teng Shoot @ FRIM

 Hey there, I am not dead or have I ran away with David Archuletta.Currently in 3rd year of my course. Ultraly busy as I have class on Saturdays now and I only leave the hospital at 7pm usually. But nevertheless I still managed to find the time to shoot.

This shoot was done about 2 weeks back. Here's the scenario, girlfriend studies in the U.K and boyfriend is here, wants to get some photos to make a photobook.

Headed to FRIM on a Sunday morning, was lucky to have adequate sunshine as I did not have an assistant to hold the reflector or flash gun for me, so natural lighting managed to do the job.

 Couple was very obliging and we managed to cover almost everything in a short amount of time.

The greenery there also provided a nice soothing background for the shoot.

My only complain was the vast amount of mosquitoes that were encircling us.

Overall a very productive shoot. I did a few shoots since than. Will update more in the future :D

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