Was invited by the badminton club of CUCMS a.k.a as The Shuttlemaster Club to shoot their badminton event last Saturday. To be honest I am not really into sports photography (well except for Formula 1) as it is really hard to shoot fast moving subjects.

Nevertheless i still gave it a shot, cause "Belum cuba, belum tau ma", and yeah it's a good thing to stray away from the usual "potrait niche" sometimes and try something new.
Some rear flash sync shots, still experimenting with this flash mode.
Found it hard to freeze motion cause my 70-300 Tammy ain't fast enough and I had to bump my ISO higher cause the lighting in the building is a little dim
Nevertheless I did get some great shots
More reasons to get a 70-200 f/2.8 VR muahahah.
More experimental shots which according to Soon, sucks :(
Frustration and fatigue starts to creep up to some players.
Alright, lastly some Panorama shots stitched together using Photomerge
That's it folks, will be away for a week as i have to prepare for my Musculoskeletal Finals. Ta Ta.
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