Sunday, May 23, 2010

Muscle Museum

As you may notice i have often shot girls, Wee Phei Yee to be in particular, i have decided to change from my usual niche to a more masculine approach. Shooting topless males. No don't get me wrong I have not hopped on the dude train yet, but I think i might have a strong liking towards Ricky Martin now. *cough.

Neways back to the shoot. Model wanted to remain anonymous so we shall just call him Mr. A. I picked Mr a for 3 very simple reason out of my 3 other candidates.
a)he has no beer belly
b)he has some height
c)he is NOT so hairy.
Well to sum it all my first candidate bitched out on me and did not show up whereas my second candidate for this shoot was just too shy to strip, making me guess he must have some hairballs at his belly or probably he is really fat.

Im not as great as Mr. Keane at shooting a guy alone in a room showing of his muscles. But well here are the results.

To be honest my male model does not really have that much features to shoot on, cause he told me he has not been bulking up after getting married, hence the "after marriage belly syndrome"

But thank God he is not that "Buncit"

Back to musculoskeletal class, how many muscles can you name here..Heeheh

You wouldn't want to know how i positioned myself for this shot. Let's just say it is a little unorthodox.*cough

And lastly some man Boobs. Comment and critiques welcomed, tembak away!


  1. Mr. A hahahhahahha.
    this post is so gay le! hahahha

  2. Yes..It is indeed a lil gay..But shooting guys does bring out a whole new perspective of portrait photography to me..It is easier to communicate with a male model you see and they are less shy to do weird posses for you..Nyah nyah

  3. Try to use a more pleasing model. He looks like a cina apek who sells chicken by the market

  4. Yes he is an apek literally...But he is a good looking apek jual sayur masin..Sorry le..its hard to get guys to strip in front of guys these days, sigh....who r u btw
