Monday, May 10, 2010

Fun At The Fun Fair

Was in Kuantan lately, for a short holiday after finishing my musculoskeletal finals. Did a mini shoot to brush up my night portraiture.

What better place than a fun fair to do a night shoot, able to dabble with some long exposure shots.

Some rear flash sync.

Some of the photos appear OOF as long exposure portraiture is really hard and it takes loads of trials and errors and a really cooperative model, which I have :)

The merry go round a.k.a the ring of flames.

Some roller coaster thingy.

Oh ya before i forget, most of the shots were taken using a flashgun, fired wireless from the top to illuminate the model.

Trying out some ghosting effects.

Overall a very productive shoot, loads of mistakes made, but loads of new things learnt. 

Comments well appreciated as i know i have done loads of mistakes and pointing it out would help me :)


  1. Creative, but I am not a fan of slow sync shutter and flash and what not. Can't comment much here. I don't shoot much of slow sync shutter because I don't like it. So, I can't give you a fair comment on it. =)

    But keep it up.

  2. So great u got a constant & cooperative model to do practices~ =)

    keep practising~
    mostly slow flash sync best used in night clubs~
    to show the effect of the Disco lights in clubs + the actions/movements of the clubbers inside the club~

  3. Thank you for ur comments guys..They really mean alot to me
