Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tadika Sri Murni Sport's Day Photoshoot

Was invited by Keane to be his second shooter at his better half's parents tadika's sports day. Up to now this counts to my third "officially being invited to shoot at an event"  shoot. I never ask any payment from friends or people who ask me to shoot stuff for them, as the exposure is already enough for me.
Keane wielding his newly purchased 70-200mm f/2.8 VR 2 was seen to have the biggest bazooka at the event that day.

We were so excited of being invited to shoot that we actually planned everything, from where to stand and what lenses we were going to use the night before, heck we even brough along our "walkie talkies" (well actually it was our Iphones in which we would constantly call each other to switch positions.

Like any kindergarten sport's day the kids were divided into their individual houses.

The kiddies were divided into their own houses and they did a little warm up prior to the start of the games.

This little fellow seriously has to pee.

Since this was my first time shooting events like this, there were loads to learn and I had to learn it fast. As it was a morning shoot, the sun was constantly rising, this led me to constantly change the settings for my shooting

Oh ya this whole shoot was done using the Tammy 17-50mm f/2.8. Since i was holding the walk around lens, I was tasked with shooting group photos and the prize giving portraits.

The most fun part about this shoot was, when shooting kids, they tend to not be bother by the camera, so you are able to get really natural shots.You really need to have a keen eye to get candid shots of kids as they do move around alot.

The kids gave us a short procession before the beginning of the dance presentation by each age group of the kindergarten.

During the dance, the kids were really animated and we had some really good shots.

From a chubby boy doing the waka waka

To a group of pre-schoolers doing a hokkien dance with sticks

Since i was tasked with shooting the prize giving ceremony and Mr Keane decided to take the sports due to his long and new bazooka i had very little shots of the sports action.

But all in all it was a really productive shoot, learned loads and got bitten my mosquitoes loads. Very satisfied with the Tamron as it gave me superb results in this shoot


  1. Sorry lah, but I needed you. haha. Hope you're satisfied with your shots.

  2. Yeah no prob. Thank You for the opportunity. I really appreciated it. Must work on my compisition more
